Steps For a Good Relationship – Sacred, Sexy and Sublime
Sacred, Sexy and Sublime
In the practice of Tantra, sexual is deemed as the most intimate and enjoyable practice humans can practice. Yet for many couples, this most sacred of human experiences is reduced to an acrobatic sexual adventure that rarely lasts more than a few minutes. By doing this, many couples lose not only the physical bonding power that Tantra helps them achieve, but also the deeply meaningful connection that Tantra is known for creating.
This is a shame. Tantra is a spiritual path where these intimate and spiritual experiences are paramount. In Tantra, intimacy is seen as sacred and special. The experience of sexuality is tailor made for the human soul and the experience of sexual energy is a way that couples can achieve complete intimacy with each other.
A full understanding of the power of Tantra and its practices would require that we understand the concepts behind it. Tantra is not a religion, and it does not require Beliefs, concepts or praying to be successful. Tantra is a way of life and a school of thought; it is not a belief system or a religion. By using Tantra, every couple can connect with their partner and experience the powerful benefits of Tantra. There are many Tantra practices that focus on sexuality as a spiritual experience; and Tantra is paving the way for humanity by sharing these teachings more effectively. Steps For a Good Relationship
The physical Tantra techniques involve parts of the body that were not exposed during the course of the training. These parts of the body are exposed and enhanced the more you practice. These techniques include, the sexual energy play, breathing, touching, sitting/standing, kissing, energy visualization, and the use of sound in a special way.
The 2 aspects of the heart or emotional Tantra are not mutually exclusive. It is important to understand that they both feed from the same pool of energy. This allows one to be empowered both emotionally and spiritually. This enables Tantric practices to have a broadened effect on the human psyche, and not simply in the physical realm.
In the moment that you decide to Cultivate the Art of Tantra, you have the opportunity to layer new limbs, learn new techniques, make new friends, and realize a new sense of fulfillment. This is the best way to learn the art of love in a healthy way, and with the help of Tantra, learn to fully understand our purpose in life and move toward gaining a deeper understanding of the wonder and purpose of living.
Tantra is a path to discovering yourself and your purpose in life.Can you imagine your life without Tantra?
Are you living your life purpose?
Are you living for God?
Do you really understand your purpose in life and are you going about it the best way possible?
Do you have a plan and a strategy that is taking you toward your goal?
Are you being genuine with yourself and thus knowingly choosing a path that will bring joy and fulfillment?
Actually these are all three issues that need to be addressed if you want to have a joyful relationship with God. Sexuality can be one of the key aspects of that life purpose if we are seeking true intimacy within a relationship. Sex can be, in the words of many a woman, the “biggest gift.” Yes that is the most intimate gift that you can give to a partner and it needs to be lovingly enjoyed and not merely performed for the sake of performing sex. Steps For a Good Relationship
Relationships are generally a consequence of the expression of our innermost sexual needs. The problem is that most of us do not talk about these needs or we speak in terms ofooking and wanting rather than as a reality and as preferable sexual experience.
Sex, for instance, can have all sorts of emotional and psychological meanings for both the man and the woman. Respect, reciprocity, emotional intimacy and a good sex life are just a few of many other things that influence a good relationship.
So if you are not having a good sex life express your needs. Express your needs as a woman to your man. Your man can be the channel for expressing your needs to God. You can do that. Of course, it usually benefits both parties to talk about their needs as openly as possible.
Our universe is always expanding. The stars are moving through space. The planets are circling the sun. Life is expanding. So is our universe. If you want to live in a happy relationship and you are not happy already there are many ways to get started on that path. Stay tuned!